Diet & Nutrition

Natural Beauty: 19 Foods for Stunning Skin, Hair and Nails

When people think of natural beauty, they usually think that it's only skin-deep. They believe that it's in your genetic makeup whether or not you have clear and healthy skin that is free of blemishes and that looks radiant or youthful. They also believe that it's genetics that play a role in how healthy and shiny your hair looks, or how hard your nails are. However, this is only part of the truth. The truth is, beauty comes from the food you eat, and your diet plays a vital role in how clear or youthful your skin looks, how shiny and strong your hair is, and how your nails look and feel. Since your diet plays an important role, here are 21 foods that you can incorporate into your diet today to get stunning skin, hair and nails.


21 Foods For Stunning Skin, Hair and Nails
  1. Hydrolysed Collagen
  2. Bone Broth
  3. Resveratrol
  4. Seaweed
  5. Green Tea
  6. Baobab
  7. Dark Chocolate
  8. Berries
  9. Avocado
  10. Olive Oil
  11. Pumpkin Seeds
  12. Cold Water Fish
  13. Cauliflower
  14. Brazil Nuts
  15. Carrots (Orange Coloured Vegetables)
  16. Eggs
  17. Broccoli
  18. Kiwifruit
  19. Cinnamon
Bottom Line

21 Foods For Stunning Skin, Hair and Nails

1. Hydrolysed Collagen
Chances are, you've heard of collagen. Collagen is a protein that you can find naturally in animals and humans. This is what makes up your connective tissues like bones, cartilage, organs, tendons and skim. But, what is hydrolysed collagen? This is simply collagen that has been broken down into easier to process particles that are smaller. Hydrolysed collagen can help improve the appearance of wrinkles, improve hydration and sebum levels, and tone your skin. It has also proven effective at repairing sun damage and fixing any acne scars you may have by filling them in. Finally, hydrolysed collagen has also proven effective at helping to prevent or even heal damage done to your joints and bones osteoporosis. natural beauty
2. Bone Broth
Bone broth is a stock that you make by simmering the connective tissues and bones from animals. You can use pork, beef, turkey, veal, lamb, bison, chicken, venison or fish to make this stock. For marrow and connective tissue, gizzards, fins, hoofs and feet are good choices. When you simmer your stock, it releases collagen that turns into gelatin. Bone broth is rich in collagen, and collagen is what gives your skin that healthy glow and its elasticity that keeps you looking younger. This stock contains hyaluronic acid as well, and this acid is one of the primary components of many anti-ageing creams or serums. It's packed full of vitamins and nutrients like biotin that encourage healthy hair and nail growth as well.
3. Resveratrol
This polyphenolic compound or an antioxidant that you find naturally in several foods including grapes, cocoa, berries, peanuts and wine. Resveratrol forms a plants defence system, and it helps to protect the plant against injury, infections, fungus, ultraviolet radiation and stress. Along with your diet, you can also find this antioxidant in nutritional supplements. This antioxidant has undergone a few studies that link it to restoring your hair's health and helping it grow. It was particularly useful for people who have Alopecia or patterned baldness. Resveratrol also increases your body's sensitivity to vitamin D, and vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium to give you stronger and fuller hair along with stronger nails.
4. Seaweed
Seaweed is a mass of marine plants that you can find growing naturally in oceans or the sea. It has a rich history of medicinal use that dates back thousands of years. It's a highly nutritious and highly diverse food, so it's common to see it in dishes like sushi, soups, salads, smoothies, supplements and stews. One teaspoon is packed with vitamins and nutrients. Seaweed has roughly 13.5 times the antioxidant capacity you'd find and vitamin E, and this helps to promote healthy hair growth as well as repair any damage to your scalp due to dry skin or dandruff. It's also very powerful for improving your nail's overall look and strength by encouraging a healthy absorption of vitamins and minerals throughout your body. natural beauty
5. Green Tea
Green tea is actually a mix of several different types of tea that is dried and then introduced to boiling water to encourage the release of nutrients and vitamins. Green tea also has a rich medicinal use history that dates back thousands of years. It's been a staple of Chinese herbal medicine, and it's prized for the health effects and the nutrient content. Green tea is beneficial for promoting good hair health and helping to heal any existing damage because it contains high amounts of “EGCG” (epigallocatechin gallate). Several studies show that this antioxidant is beneficial for your hair. It's also packed full of polyphenols, and these components work to help encourage hardening of your nails and nail growth along with healthy skin.
6. Baobab
The African Baobab tree is one of the oldest in the world. There are nine different species of this tree, and they have the nickname of the "tree of life" due to its various health benefits. People in these regions have used the bark and parts of this tree for decades for various health supplements, and it's catching on in other regions of the world as a powerful health supplement. Baobab oil is particularly useful for restoring and rehydrating your skin. Once you start using this oil regularly, you should note that your skin feels tighter, and that it has less oil overall because of the vitamins and minerals that are present in the oil. It also encourages the restoration or repair of dry, damaged and brittle hair by infusing it with tons of vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, E and F. This can also translate over into your nails, and you should notice them growing stronger and more quickly.
7. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate lovers can rejoice because dark chocolate has several health benefits. It's loaded with nutrients, and dark chocolate comes from the seeds of the cocoa tree. It's one of the best single sources of antioxidants on the planet, and you don't have to eat a lot of it to get the benefits which is great for people who don't necessarily eat sweets. This sweet treat contains loads of iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, zinc and fibre. These nutrients help encourage skin health by forming a protective barrier between your skin and the sun. This can keep your skin looking younger and feeling more firm. The antioxidant content promotes healthy hair growth, nail growth, and they help to protect from any further damage.
8. Berries
Berries are some of the healthiest fruits that you can eat due to their plant pigments. You can eat up to a cup and a half of berries like blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and more per day to get the health benefits that come with eating them. You don't have to eat them every day, but a few times a week can really boost your nutrient intake. A single cup of strawberries gives you 141% of your daily vitamin C needs, and your body uses vitamin C to help produce collagen. Collagen is vital for your skin's health and for helping heal cellular damage. The nutrient content in berries also helps to repair hair damage and reduce the amount of breakage you get. This can lead to a fuller head of hair that is shiny and strong. Finally, berries are also packed with antioxidants to promote cell health throughout your body.
9. Avocado
An avocado is a fruit that is very nutrient-rich, and it comes from the Avocado tree. It has a history of being very popular among people who are health conscious, and there are several types to choose from that come in several colours and sizes. A single serving has B vitamins, Vitamin K, Vitamin C and folate. Avocado oil is excellent for your cuticles and your nails. It helps to prevent peeling or brittle nails by infusing them with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Additionally, ingesting avocados or avocado oil can help improve your body's overall nutrient absorption. As your body absorbs more nutrients, you should notice your skin looking more radiant, your hair getting shiny and strong, and your nails starting to grow.
10. Olive Oil
Olive oil is extracted from the Olive tree as a natural oil. People use it in salad dressings, cooking and as a traditional baking oil substitute because it's healthier than other oils. Olive oil comes packed with fatty acids that have a variety of health benefits, and it's more resistant to higher heat. This makes it great for cooking because it won't break down or scorch. This particular oil has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, and this is important for your skin's health. One study showed that 3.4 teaspoons of olive oil were as effective as an Ibuprofen for fighting inflammation. Olive oil has strong antibacterial properties associated with it as well. These antibacterial properties are useful for fighting acne and other skin issues to leave you with blemish-free skin.
11. Pumpkin Seeds
Most people don't incorporate seeds into their daily diet, but certain seeds have powerful health benefits for your hair, skin and nails. In fact, pumpkin seeds contain higher amounts of zinc, iron, magnesium, and vitamin K. These nutrients are all beneficial to helping reduce any further damage due to oxidative stress, and it also kickstarts the cell repair process. Most adults don't get the recommended magnesium intake they need each day, and magnesium is essential for over 600 different chemical reactions throughout your body. Magnesium is particularly important for cartilage and bone health. They also come packed with protein to help health and repair your nails and hair, and their antioxidant content protects them from further damage due to stress. The fatty acids in pumpkin seeds promote healthy hair growth and strong hair, and they also add strength to your nails. natural beauty
12. Cold Water Fish
People often say that fish is very good for your body, and this is true due to the high levels of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that you naturally find in fish. Salmon, trout, tuna and sardines have the highest amounts of these fatty acids among cold water fish, and they're readily available to buy all over the world. The Omega fatty acids in cold water fish can have amazing benefits for your complexion and on your skin as a whole. They help to manage your skin's oil production, prevent acne, and prevent premature aging. They also form a protective barrier that shields the collagen in your skin from any damage from the sun, and this can keep you looking healthier and younger.
13. Cauliflower
Cauliflower is part of the cabbage family, and it has a very mild taste. You typically only eat the head of the cauliflower as the stems are very dense and touch, and it's become very popular over the years for its various health benefits. It's popular to use as a substitute for mashed potatoes and for creating a low-calorie soup by boiling than mashing it for potatoes and boiling it and blending it for a soup base. Cauliflower is very efficient at repairing dry and brittle nails and helping them grow strong. It contains very high levels of minerals like zinc as well as biotin. All of these nutrients are essential to having healthy nail growth, and eating cauliflower a few times a week can help you reach good levels. Zinc also prevents your hair from getting dry or brittle, and it'll help restore some of the natural shine and health.
14. Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts come from the Brazil Nut tree in South Africa, and they're a nutrient-dense nut that are a huge export for South America. They are one of the healthiest nuts available, and they have very high levels of Selenium, minerals and vitamins. You'll get high levels of antioxidants and monosaturated fatty acids that can improve your skin and hair health. As we mentioned, these nuts have extremely high levels of Selenium. Selenium has strong antioxidant properties that can help to reduce the amount of damage the cells of your skin get due to oxidative stress and the sun. This can keep you looking younger, and it can fight age spots. Brazil Nuts are also effective at preventing acne outbreaks or reducing the appearance of blemishes due to skin conditions. It contains amino acids that are essential for hair care and health as well.
15. Carrots (Orange Coloured Vegetables)
Carrots are one of the most popular vegetables in the world. They are so universally liked because they're easy to grow, thrive in different environments, are packed full with nutrients and minerals and they're very versatile when it comes to adding them to dishes. The crunchy texture and sweet taste make them popular with children and adults. Carrots have a high amount of beta-carotene, and beta-carotene makes vitamin A. This is important because vitamin A stimulates Sebum production. Sebum is a natural oily substance that glands in your scalp create to provide natural conditioning. Sebum helps your hair stay healthy, hydrated, and grow strong. If you don't have it, you'll most likely have dry scalp, itching, and dandruff.
16. Eggs
Eggs contain several nutrients in high amounts that are difficult or rare to get in your modern diet, and they're classified as a superfood because of this. Did you know that eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet? They have high amounts of fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that your body needs for natural beauty. You'll get a high dose of zinc when you eat eggs, and zinc is essential for the health of your scalp and hair. If you have a zinc deficiency, you'll most likely end of with dry or brittle hair that is prone to breaking, and a dry and itchy scalp. Zinc encourages natural oil production, which in turn adds hydration back to your hair and scalp to make them healthy.
17. Broccoli
As a green leafy vegetable, broccoli is another superfood that is rich in essential minerals and vitamins along with dietary fibre. It has significant levels of vitamin C, vitamin K, fibre, potassium and folate. You'll also get a host of B vitamins, beta-carotene, iron, magnesium and it's low in calories so it's great for weight loss. You can eat it raw, blanched, baked or cooked on its own or in a variety of dishes without losing the nutrient content. Since broccoli comes packed with a serving of iron, it is a great food source for maintaining your hair's health. Additionally, it can help your hair grow stronger and thicker, and it can also prevent hair loss. Broccoli also encourages your body to regulate the hair follicle growth cycle, and it's important for improving and maintain your nail health and for reducing any peeling or cracking you may have.
18. Kiwifruit
The kiwifruit is very popular with health-conscious people, and they're very nutrient dense. Originally from China, the kiwifruit made its way to New Zealand at the start of the 20th century, and it has since spread from there and grown in popularity. It is a very rich source of vitamin C, copper, potassium, vitamin A, fibre and iron. You're able to eat kiwifruit by itself, or you can also incorporate into several dishes. Kiwifruit's high levels of vitamin C help to stimulate collagen production, and it also has antioxidant properties. This is why many people use it for face masks or in their skincare routine. It can help to keep your skin firm, wrinkle-free and radiant thanks to the collagen stimulation. The antioxidant properties can help repair any cell damage to due the sun or oxidative stress as well to keep your skin looking young.
19. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a strong spice that is commonly found in a lot of baked goods, teas and to add a little sweetness and spice to a dish. Cinnamon's use traces back to ancient times, and there are several well-known benefits to adding cinnamon to your diet. You can have this spice several times a day without a problem, and it mixes well with different food groups. Sometimes, your nails can have a fungal infection that causes them to be brittle or weak, and cinnamon has powerful antifungal properties. It'll start to strengthen your nails from the bottom up, and this means that you should start to see rapid growth and stronger nails. Cinnamon also comes loaded with antioxidants that can help to repair cell damage and improve circulation to improve your skin and hair. natural beauty

Bottom Line

These 21 foods for stunning skin, hair and nails can help you achieve the natural beauty that you want. You can eat these foods on their own or in groups to get the natural beauty benefits. As always, consult with your nutritionist or physician before you make changes and they can help you set up a diet to keep you healthy and happy.

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