Diet & Nutrition

Top 29 Science-Backed Piperine Benefits Found in Black Pepper

Did you know that black pepper is incredibly good for you. Why? Good question. It's because it contains an alkaloid called piperine. Piperine is a compound which is gaining traction in the research world and is showing many promising outcomes. For instance, it has been shown to be effective in killing off h-pylori. How cool right? In light of this we will explore more about piperine plus explore the 29 piperine benefits backed with scientific research.


What is Piperine The 29 Comprehensive Science-Backed Piperine Benefits
  1. Piperine Has Antioxidant Properties
  2. Piperine Increases Curcumin Bioavailability
  3. Piperine Has Anti-Cancer Properties
  4. Piperine Might Improve Your Cholesterol Levels
  5. Piperine Can Fight H. Pylori
  6. Piperine Reduces Inflammation
  7. Piperine Enhances Your Cognitive Function
  8. Piperine Can Help Treat Neurodegenerative Diseases
  9. Piperine Helps With Weight Loss
  10. Piperine Enhances Nutrient Absorption
  11. Piperine May Lower Your Blood Glucose Levels
  12. Piperine Can Prevent Stomach Ulcers
  13. Piperine Combats Common Allergies
  14. Piperine May Treat Your Depression
  15. Piperine May Treat Metabolic Disorders
  16. Piperine Has Pain-Relieving Properties
  17. Piperine Can Remove Gallstones
  18. Piperine Promotes Cardiovascular Health
  19. Piperine Helps to Reduce Stress Levels
  20. Piperine Can Boost Your Immune System's Function
  21. Piperine Promotes Digestive Enzyme Production
  22. Piperine Can Lower Your Blood Pressure
  23. Piperine Has Anti-Diarrhoeal Properties
  24. Piperine May Help With Seizure Activity
  25. Piperine Can Decrease Thyroid Hormones
  26. Piperine Can Help the Body Retain Pharmaceuticals for Longer Periods
  27. Piperine Has Anti-Fungal Properties
  28. Piperine Has Antiseptic Properties
  29. Piperine Helps to Combat Malaria
Why Combine Turmeric and Piperine? Final Thoughts on the Piperine Benefits

What is Piperine?

What is Piperine? Piperine is an alkaloid. This is the thing that gives black pepper a lot of its qualities, like its noticeable spiciness and its pungent taste. Black pepper is one of the most widely used spices in the world, and it has a long history of medicinal uses due to its Piperine content. When you strip Piperine down to a pure form, it's a very fine powder that looks light yellow or white. In this form, it tastes very similar to the traditional black pepper taste. It also contains 98% of the alkaloids you find in black pepper. Along with being an alkaloid, Piperine also has the classification of a cinnamamide. This classification means that it has sedative properties. When black pepper is commercially produced, it usually consists of a black pepper seed chemical extraction. These seeds contain around 5% to 10% Piperine. Long pepper seeds contain around 1% to 2% Piperine. Manufacturers dissolve the black pepper seeds with a solvent that is usually made up of hexane and acetate. Once this process finishes, the solvent-free residue moves to the next stage. This second stage consists of a treatment with a solution of potassium hydroxide. This treatment removes any lingering resin. Finally, a rinse of warm alcohol finishes the process, and you get traditional Piperine crystals.

29 Science-Backed Piperine Benefits

1. Piperine Has Antioxidant Properties
An antioxidant is a natural or man-made substance that can slow or completely delay certain types of cell damage. They can help your body restore cell damage as well. You can find antioxidants in food sources like vegetables and fruit, or you can take antioxidant supplements as well. Piperine is effective at combating free radical damage or oxidative stress in and around your cells. One study showed that taking low doses of Piperine can help to remove free radicals from your body and increase the enzyme that neutralises free radicals. This helps you fight premature aging, cell death, and poor cell function.
2. Piperine Increases Curcumin Bioavailability
When you take supplements, they may not always be able to convert them into something your body can use. This can defeat the purpose of said supplements. For example, Curcumin on its own can't make its way into your bloodstream, and it needs help. Research showed that Piperine can be an effective tool to increase your body's ability to use drugs and nutrients. In fact, Piperine got the title of the first compound ever to enhance other supplement or drug bioavailability back in 1979. It stops your body from prematurely breaking down Curcumin or the drug.
3. Piperine Has Anti-Cancer Properties
This year, it's estimated that physicians will diagnose 134,000 new cases of cancer in Australia alone. In the US this amount is much higher per population. New interest and research show promising results for Piperine's anti-cancer properties. Scientists linked Piperine to being able to slow the progression of certain cancers, as well as having properties that may help to prevent cancer cells from forming in the first place. More research is needed in this area to get concrete proof.
4. Piperine Might Improve Your Cholesterol Levels
Cholesterol is a fatty compound you can find in most tissues in your body as well as in your bloodstream. It helps your body digest different foods and encourages hormone production. However, high cholesterol can increase your risk of a cardiovascular event. Along with healthy habits and a good diet, Piperine can help balance your cholesterol levels. Scientists fed Piperine to rats with high levels of cholesterol and fats in their blood for a three-week trial. At the end of the trial, their good cholesterol levels increased while their bad cholesterol levels decreased.
5. Piperine Can Fight H. Pylori
H. Pylori is a bacterial infection that infects your digestive tract. It's a more common childhood bacterial infection, and researchers estimate that at least half of the world's population has had this bacterial infection. It is the main cause of peptic ulcers. Antibiotics are the standard treatment for an H. Pylori infection, but a supplement of Piperine can help as well. When Piperine detects H. Pylori in your system, it goes to work and prevents it from growing and sticking to your cells. This will kill the bacterial infection because it can't spread.
6. Piperine Reduces Inflammation
When your body detects an injury or an infection, it sends white blood cells to the affected area. This is to prevent infections, and inflammation is common. Your immune system can also mistakenly attack parts of your body and cause inflammation, like with arthritis. Piperine has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can work on both short and long-term inflammation issues. A study with rats showed that a Piperine supplement would go to the source of the inflammation and soothe it. It also showed that it worked on chronic inflammation as well.
7. Piperine Enhances Your Cognitive Function
Diseases like Alzheimer's, some medications, injuries, or the aging processes can cause a decline in your cognitive function. This decline can be very gradual, or it can happen very rapidly. You might notice confusion, memory loss, searching for words or that it's harder to learn new skills. Scientists fed rats a Piperine supplement to test how effective it was at enhancing their collective cognitive function. They noted the rats who got the Piperine supplement learned new skills more quickly and retained their memories better and for longer periods than the control group did.
8. Piperine Can Help Treat Neurodegenerative Diseases
A neurodegenerative disease is a very broad term that encompasses a wide range of conditions. It includes Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia, Parkinson's Disease, Huntington's Disease, Spinal Muscular Atrophy and more. Common symptoms of some of these diseases are uncontrollable muscle spasms, memory loss, and decreased coordination. Since Piperine works to inhibit enzymes that break down dopamine, it makes sense that it's an effective treatment for neurodegenerative diseases. A study involving a mouse with Parkinson's Disease symptoms showed that Piperine helped to control motor function, brain function and the ability to learn new things.
9. Piperine Helps With Weight Loss
Poor diets, poor lifestyle choices, and genetics all contribute to this problem. Roughly 63% of adults over the age of 18 are overweight, and this can lead to strain on the healthcare system. Piperine can help with weight loss in two significant ways. One study showed that Piperine can actually slow down the rate at which your body produces fat cells. A second study shows that this supplement can increase the number of calories your muscles burn, and this can lead to weight loss.
10. Piperine Enhances Nutrient Absorption
Sometimes, you can have trouble absorbing all of the nutrients that you get from food. This can lead to digestive problems and nutrient deficiencies. It's also the reason why iron deficiency is one of the leading nutrient deficiencies in the world, and it affects nearly 25% of the population. Taking a Piperine supplement can help to ensure that you get the most nutrients out of your food. Research showed that introducing Piperine into your diet can increase how many nutrients your body absorbs. It can also increase the surface area of your digestive tract.
11. Piperine May Lower Your Blood Glucose Levels.
One of the first precursors to diabetes is having consistently high blood glucose levels. This can lead to more severe health complications, like nerve damage, skin conditions, cardiovascular disease and kidney and eye damage. A study with mice showed that Piperine has the ability to lower blood glucose levels. However, you have to be very careful with the dosage because too large of a dose of Piperine can actually increase your blood glucose count. This can result in more complications.
12. Piperine Can Prevent Stomach Ulcers
A stomach ulcer is a small sore that develops on the inner lining of your small intestine, esophagus, and stomach. Common bacterial infections can be the cause of a stomach ulcer, but stomach acid settling on the inner lining is the most common cause. When it comes to ulcers, prevention is easier than treatment. Studies showed that Piperine supplements can prevent the formation of stomach ulcers in mice and rats. It prevented ulcers formed by hydrochloric acid, stress and a common pain reliever, Indomethacin. This is great news for people who get stomach ulcers on a chronic basis.
13. Piperine Combats Common Allergies
Allergies can occur year-round, and they can vary in severity levels from person to person. Common symptoms include congestion, itchy eyes, sneezing, and hives. A lot of allergy medications can cause drowsiness, and this is where a Piperine supplement can help. It can suppress the inflammatory response of the immune system. Additionally, one study with mice showed that Piperine could effectively reduce the congestion and sneezing that comes with allergies, as well as other symptoms.
14. Piperine May Treat Your Depression
Depression is a condition which is on the rise with almost 1 in 2 people likely to have a depressive episode at one point in their lifetime. Piperine has powerful antidepressant properties. One two-week study with mice found that mice who got a dose of Piperine each day showed reduce depression levels. These same mice also had raised serotonin levels, and serotonin combats depression. It's one of the "feel good" chemicals in your brain.
15. Piperine May Treat Metabolic Disorders
A metabolic disorder occurs when there is an abnormal chemical reaction in your body after it performs a normal metabolic process. These disorders are genetic in most cases. Common symptoms of these disorders include weight loss, lethargy, seizures, and yellowing of the skin and eyes or jaundice. A trial with rats showed that taking daily supplements of Piperine had several positive effects on metabolic disorders. The rats showed a decrease in their blood pressure levels, improved glucose tolerance, improved liver function and a reduction in oxidative stress.
16. Piperine Has Pain-Relieving Properties
Many people have smaller aches and pains as they go through their daily lives. However, one in five people deal with chronic pain every day, and this statistic includes children and adults. It's estimated that chronic pain costs around $34 billion in healthcare costs each year. For people who don't want to take a lot of pharmaceuticals, Piperine supplements have natural pain-relieving properties. One study showed that as little as 5mgs of Piperine per kilogram of body weight can reduce pain and inflammation. Another study showed that taking 30 to 70mgs of Piperine per kilogram of body weight can be as effective at relieving pain as OTC medications.
17. Piperine Can Remove Gallstones
Gallstones are an extremely painful condition, and roughly 50 to 250 people out of 1,000 will develop them during their lifetime. Gallstones are very hard, small, cholesterol crystals that form in your gallbladder. They eventually come out when you urinate. Researchers ran trials that showed Piperine supplements can reduce the amount of bile that your body transports from the liver to the gallbladder. In turn, this leaves less cholesterol to form into crystals or gallstones, and it reduces the overall size of the gallstones present in your gallbladder.
18. Piperine Promotes Cardiovascular Health
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world. This included deaths from heart disease or deaths where heart disease was a contributing factor. These statistics continue to rise due to the obesity problem in Australia as well. One clinical trial showed that Piperine has positive impacts on your cardiovascular health. Rats received 20mgs of Piperine every day for 45 days to test the sugar and cholesterol levels in their blood. At the end of the trial, the rats had significantly reduced cholesterol and sugar levels in their blood.
19. Piperine Helps to Reduce Stress Levels
High levels of stress can cause several problems with both your body and your mind. It can lead to moodiness, muscle tension, headaches, sleep problems, upset stomach, anxiety, restlessness, and depression. It can also lead to stress eating, substance abuse, and angry outbursts. Black pepper and Piperine have stress-reducing properties. Studies show that rats who got Piperine supplements every day began to show fewer anxious behaviours as the study progressed. Piperine also has sedative properties that can counteract oxidative stress damage on your cells, and it can increase the levels of dopamine and serotonin in your brain.
20. Piperine Can Boost Your Immune System's Function
Your immune system is your body's first line of defence. It's made up of specialised tissues, organs, proteins and cells that defend your body against bacteria and other microorganisms. It contains white blood cells and enzymes that help to prevent infection. Studies show that Piperine can help control your immune system's sensitivity. This is great news for people with Arthritis or Lupus because their own immune system attacks their body. It also works to inhibit several strains of bacteria, and this can help your immune system function at a higher level.
21. Piperine Promotes Digestive Enzyme Production
Digestive enzymes can perform several different helpful functions throughout your body. Their main function is to break down food so your body can absorb the nutrients. Your pancreas, liver, and other organs naturally produce these enzymes, but they may not produce enough. Several studies show that Piperine can stimulate the pancreas to produce and secrete more digestive enzymes. In turn, they'll help break down the food you eat and improve your nutrient absorption rate. It can also calm any inflammation that may cause a disruption in the enzyme production process.
22. Piperine Can Lower Your Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a chronic problem for over one billion people around the world. Your blood pressure refers to the pressure your blood puts on your arterial walls as it travels around your body. High blood pressure can contribute to a series of health problems, including heart attack and stroke. One trial showed that Piperine supplements lowered the average blood pressure of rats when they consumed it on a regular basis. High blood pressure causes your arterial walls to become rigid, and Piperine can help to keep them flexible and healthy. In turn, this can lower your blood pressure.
23. Piperine Has Anti-Diarrhoeal Properties
Diarrhoea is when you have loose and watery stools that can last from a few hours to a few days. There are several common causes, including bacteria or eating foods that have gone bad. Extended bouts of diarrhoea can lead to dehydration. Piperine has anti-diarrhoeal properties, and studies show that it can prevent diarrhoea in rabbits, mice and guinea pigs. The group that got the Piperine supplement showed significant improvement in their symptoms. Additionally, Piperine can be as effective as some of the popular medicinal treatments for diarrhoea without the side effects.
24. Piperine May Help With Seizure Activity
A seizure is a sudden and uncontrolled electrical disturbance in your brain. It can cause several problems, including behaviour changes, consciousness level changes, loss of coordination and muscle spasms. Most seizures last between 30 seconds and two minutes, and they range in severity. Many studies with rodents showed that Piperine supplements could decrease the number of seizures epileptic rodents had. It also showed promise for reducing the number of deaths from seizures. The subjects only took 10mg of Piperine per kilogram of body weight to get these outcomes.
25. Piperine Can Decrease Thyroid Hormones
Thyroid hormones are two separate hormones that work to regulate your metabolism. Hyperthyroidism is a condition where your thyroid overproduces these hormones, and it can cause several different problems, like sudden and significant weight loss, sweating, irritability, nervousness, and rapid or irregular heartbeat. One study with mice showed that a supplement of 2.5mgs of Piperine was effective for reducing the levels of thyroid hormones in your body. This is exciting because it actually reduced the hormone levels as much as the standard anti-thyroid medications can, without the side effects.
26. Piperine Can Help the Body Retain Pharmaceuticals for Longer Periods
Some pharmaceuticals have to stay in your body for an extended period of time before you get the full benefits of it. Your stomach acid and enzymes can break these down prematurely, and this stops you from getting the full effects of the medication. Piperine supplements slow down the liver process known as glucuronidation. This is the signal your body sends to your liver to tell it to expel medications and supplements. When this slows down, you'll retain the medications longer.
27. Piperine Has Anti-Fungal Properties
You can find strains of fungi everywhere in the world. It can exist in your body as well as outside your body on your skin. Normally, this isn't a problem. Chemists use fungus to create antibiotics as well. However, some infections of fungus can cause problems in your body, and it can be difficult to diagnose and treat. Studies show that Piperine supplements can work very well against certain strains of fungus. However, it's not effective against a broad range. This makes it better for infections with pinpoint fungal causes. You only need a small dose to effectively stop the colonisation process and kill the fungus.
28. Piperine Has Antiseptic Properties
Small cuts and injuries create perfect openings for bacteria and infections to make their way into your body. Your immune system does a good job of combating these problems, but Piperine can give your immune system an additional boost with its antiseptic properties. One study showed that Piperine is effective at fighting various strains of bacteria and cleaning wounds. Its antiseptic properties worked very well against E.coli and Candida albicans bacteria strains.
29. Piperine Helps to Combat Malaria
Malaria is a disease that comes from mosquito bites. In 2016, it was estimated that over 216 million cases of Malaria occurred worldwide. Of these 216 million cases, roughly 445,000 people died from it. You typically experience chills, fever, and flu-like symptoms. Piperine supplements with Curcumin have anti-malarial properties, and studies tested it against cerebral malaria. The Piperine in the supplements helped increase the absorption rate of the Curcumin, and this helped to reduce the Malaria symptoms.

Why Combine Turmeric and Piperine?

Piperine helps to increase the bioavailability of the Curcumin content in the Turmeric by around 2000%. Curcumin and Turmeric can't absorb into your bloodstream well on their own, and Piperine acts as an agent that filters the Curcumin and Turmeric into your system.This means that you'll get the full benefits of the supplements because they'll stay in your system longer. Piperine has a long history of medicinal uses dating back to 1819 when a Danish chemist first isolated this alkaloid. Since then, various cultures adopted it for its wide range of medicinal uses. We've rounded up the top 29 science-backed Piperine benefits so you can decide if adding this alkaloid to your diet would be beneficial to you.

Final Thoughts on the Piperine Benefits

These 29 science-backed Piperine benefits prove that this alkaloid can be a useful supplement that can help with a variety of mental and physical conditions. It is a good idea to mention this to your physician before you start on it to ensure that it doesn't have any negative consequences. This can help you lead a happier and healthier life.

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